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meet mtmv’s founder


Lauren Weingarten

is a Credentialed Victim Advocate (NACP) and Certified Trauma Support Specialist (Trauma Institute International) and the voice behind the popular Instagram account @mtmvcommunity, one of the first social media-based support communities. Lauren worked in TV / Film production for over a decade before having her own MeToo experience. Since then she has found purpose in understanding trauma and leading conversations surrounding sexual violence. She created the MTMV Community Support Network to build and foster community amongst survivors and their supporters.

Lauren in grateful for all those who have paved the way so she can do this work. She acknowledges the labor, passion, and fortitude for the many who have come before her. Black women have been at the forefront of this work from the beginning and we would not be here without them. Special shout out to Recy Taylor, Tarana Burke, and Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris.

Lauren has created and facilitated trainings on Building Online Communities for Survivors on behalf of the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA). Additionally, she frequently leads How to Better Support The Survivors In Your Life and other survivor writing & storytelling workshops. Her knowledge and experience allows her to thrive as a consultant in areas surrounding trauma-informed care and practices, building communities, sexual violence awareness, and safer sets for tv/film production. She is currently consulting with University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public on research surrounding how high-profile abuses cases impact survivors and their communities and various law firms on how to foster survivor-informed care for their clients.

Notable Professional Trainings

  • Rainn NSAH 20 hour Online Training

  • Office of Victim of Crime 40-hour Victim Advocate Training

  • Creating a Trauma-Informed Workplace

  • Responding to Anti-trans Cultures of Hate

  • Group Therapy: Evidence Based Strategies 

  • Seeking Safety Facilitator Training

  • Comprehensive Victim Interviewing

  • Enhancing Sexual Assault Services

  • Domestic Abuse in Later Life

  • Trauma-informed Approaches to Hate Violence

  • Echo Training Trauma & Resiliency Train the Trainer Summer Academy

  • Trauma-Informed Peer Support Across the Lifespan

  • Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTQ+ Communities

  • ASL Level 3.0

 Away from MTMV you can find her taking long walks or eating pizza with her pup named Tofu.


When Lauren is not leading groups or working directly with survivors, she is producing video content, leading trainings, or consulting. She also develops original educational resources for both survivors and professionals to use independently at home or together in the office, including workbooks, affirmation decks, and informative, supportive graphic artwork.
